Telephone and Video Hearings

In the majority of cases, an online decision can be made on your appeal, based on the evidence uploaded by you and the authority.

In some cases, however, you or the Adjudicator may decide that it would be helpful to explain your case through a Telephone or Video Hearing.*  For example, there may be some gaps in the evidence that has been provided.

Traffic Penalty Tribunal Hearings take place using the Microsoft Teams video-conferencing platform accessible from computers, tablets or smartphones, with the option to either turn the camera on (for a Video Hearing) or off (for a Telephone Hearing). You can also simply call-in to the meeting by phone.

* Any face-to-face hearing requests will be dealt with by the Adjudicator as a preliminary issue at the hearing and considered on a case-by-case basis.

Icon representing a Telephone with a Traffic Penalty Tribunal Adjudicator and two parties of an appeal

Telephone and Video Hearings

In the majority of cases, an online decision can be made on your appeal, based on the evidence uploaded by you and the authority.

In some cases, however, you or the Adjudicator may decide that it would be helpful to explain your case through a Telephone or Video Hearing.*  For example, there may be some gaps in the evidence that has been provided.

Traffic Penalty Tribunal Hearings take place using the Microsoft Teams video-conferencing platform, accessible from computers, tablets or smartphones, with the option to either turn the camera on (for a Video Hearing) or off (for a Telephone Hearing). You can also simply call-in to the meeting by phone.

* Any face-to-face hearing requests will be dealt with by the Adjudicator as a preliminary issue at the hearing and considered on a case-by-case basis.

Icon representing a Telephone with a Traffic Penalty Tribunal Adjudicator and two parties of an appeal

What to expect at a hearing

Icon of Calendar and Clock

If you or a Traffic Penalty Tribunal Adjudicator requests a hearing,
you will receive an email calendar appointment from the team with
instructions on how to connect via the Microsoft Teams platform.

Icon showing a phone receiver and 15 minutes figure

The hearing will last around 15 minutes.
You can connect from any location that is convenient, but you cannot
be driving (whether you have your camera turned on or not).

You are welcome to have a friend, family member, carer or assistant
with you for the purposes of physical assistance, translation
or sign language interpretation.

Live captions are available with Microsoft Teams
(if connecting via the web).

Icon showing notes and a pencil

It will be useful for you and the Adjudicator if you are able
to view the evidence supporting your case during the hearing,
so you can discuss it when required.

Connecting to the hearing using a desktop or laptop computer
(or having one in front of you when on the phone) makes things easier.

Icon showing an Adjudicator asking questions

Once connected, you will be speaking to the
Adjudicator, who will direct the hearing.

They will allow you and the authority (if they are taking part)
to make your case, as well as ask any questions.

Icons portraying a won and lost appeal

After listening to what you have to say, the Adjudicator
will usually decide the appeal during the hearing.*

* In some cases, further evidence may need to be provided
and the hearing adjourned

You will receive a full written decision on your online case file,
or through the communication method you specified.

What to expect at a hearing

Icon of Calendar and Clock

If you or a Traffic Penalty Tribunal Adjudicator requests a hearing, you will receive an email calendar appointment from the team with instructions on how to connect via the Microsoft Teams platform.

Icon showing a phone receiver and 15 minutes figure

The hearing will last around 15 minutes. You can connect from any location that is convenient, but you cannot be driving while taking part in the hearing (whether you have your camera turned on or not).

You are welcome to have a friend, family member, carer or assistant with you for the purposes of physical assistance, translation or sign language interpretation.

Live captions are available with Microsoft Teams (if connecting via the web).

Icon showing notes and a pencil

It will be useful for you and the Adjudicator if you are able to view the evidence supporting your case during the hearing, so you can discuss it when required.

Connecting to the hearing using a desktop or laptop computer (or having one in front of you when on the phone) makes things easier.

Icon showing an Adjudicator asking questions

Once connected, you will be speaking to the Adjudicator, who will direct the hearing.

They will allow you and the authority (if they are taking part) to make your case, as well as ask any questions.

Icons portraying a won and lost appeal

After listening to what you have to say, the Adjudicator will usually decide the appeal during the hearing.*

* In some cases, further evidence may need to be provided and the hearing adjourned

You will receive a full written decision on your online case file, or through the communication method you specified.

What if I can’t
speak on the phone?

Telephone / Video Hearings provide a comfortable and convenient way of making your case to us, often from the comfort of your own home, without the need to travel. We do appreciate, however, that some people require additional support in order to take part in a hearing. We take every effort to make reasonable adjustments to the service we offer, in order to accommodate specific circumstances.

Please try and let us know if you require additional support as soon as possible.

What if I can’t speak on the phone?

Telephone / Video Hearings provide a comfortable and convenient way of making your case to us, often from the comfort of your own home, without the need to travel. We do appreciate, however, that some people require additional support in order to take part in a hearing.

We take every effort to make reasonable adjustments to the service we offer, in order to accommodate specific circumstances.

Please try and let us know if you require additional support as soon as possible.

Traffic Penalty Tribunal Logo in White