Appeals Data
Authority Comparison

The chart below allows a comparison of data on the outcomes of appeals made
(by year) against Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) issued by two separate
local or charging authorities in England (outside London) and Wales.

Appeals Data
Authority Comparison

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To view this report, open the page on a laptop or desktop computer, or larger browser window.

Screenshot of Year filter for updating the Tableau report

Use the two separate Year filters to view
the results by one individual calendar year
at a time for each authority

Select the same or different calendar years
for the two authorities chosen.

Click the down arrow to make
a selection for each filter.

Screenshot of Authority filter for updating the Tableau report

Choose two authorities to compare data for
using the two separate Authority filters.

Please note:
To view appeals related to the Dartford-Thurrock River Crossing
(‘Dart Charge’) scheme, select Secretary of State for Transport.

To view appeals related to the Mersey Gateway Bridge Crossings
(‘Merseyflow’) scheme, select Halton Borough Council.

Please note: The same authority can be chosen for both filters.
This could allow a comparison of the same authority
for different years.

Screenshot of Penalty Type filter for updating the Tableau report

Use the Penalty Type filter to view appeals data specific to a
particular type of PCN (e.g. Parking or Bus Lane) for each authority.

Selecting ‘All’ will show combined data for all Penalty Types.
Compare data for the same or different Penalty Types
between the two authorities.

View the chart full screen using

Screenshot of button to make Tableau report full screen

Download the chart (current view) using

Screenshot of button to download Tableau report

PCNs Issued:
The total number of PCNs issued for the Authority / Authorities*, Penalty Type/s and Year/s selected. A Pie Chart visualising the PCNs issued is presented underneath the figure.

* Where the number of PCNs issued by an authority is listed as Zero, this is either because that authority is yet to provide data to the Tribunal, or was not in existence for the year selected. Please contact the authority directly for data on PCNs issued in these instances.

PCNs Appealed:
The total number of PCNs appealed to the Traffic Penalty Tribunal for the Penalty Type and Year selected.

Allowed / Refused:
Appeals that were successful (allowed) or unsuccessful (refused) by an Adjudicator, based on the facts / evidence of the case.

Not Contested by Authority
Appeals that were successful, as the Authority chose not to contest the case.

Consent Order
Appeals that were closed, based on an agreement between the Authority and Appellant (e.g. payment of the original charge amount).

Want to see more?

Access further data relating to appeals decided
by the Traffic Penalty Tribunal below, or

Want to see more?

Access further data relating to appeals decided by the Traffic Penalty Tribunal below.

Button showing different traffic management signs indicating the different types of report by individual Penalty Type that are available
Traffic Penalty Tribunal Logo in White